Hunger App

Hungry? FoodDash can help. Get food delivered at your doorstep from hundreds of local restaurants near you.



Live Tracking

Users can track their order placed live and also see the estimated time to delivery


User Profiles

Users can access their profile to see recent orders, saved addresses, mobile wallet etc.


Notification Control

Users will receive notifications about the offers, alerts etc.


Mobile Payment Integration

Users can pay at a 'tap of button' via their mobile wallets integrated

The Hurdle

Security (for payments), Robustness (for tracking), Intuitive UI/UX were the high-priority areas of this app.

Results Achieved

Backed by our keen technical insight and seasoned iOS app development expertise, we delivered a highly scalable and robust app that helped our client achieve a record 50,000 app downloads in the first quarter itself in the highly competitive on-demand delivery app market.